List of Committees
Sl. No. Name of Committee Name of Co-ordinator Mobile Number
1. IQAC,
N.C.C., Alumni Cell,
Website Management Dr. Jitendra Kumar Mishra
Assistant Professor
Department of English 9862733626
2. College Election,
Discipline/ Proctor Cell,
Service Book, Dr. Bijayendra Jha
Assistant Professor
Department of Maithili 8969382244
3. Data Collection, N.S.S.,
Curricular Aspects, Dr. Santosh Kumar
Assistant Professor
Department of English 7007264909
4. Gender Sensitization,
Green Audit,
College Attendance Dr. Sandhya Kumari
Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy 7488453405
5. Anti Ragging, Financial Audit
President (BUTA Unit) Dr. Krishna Kumar
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology 8340749181
6. College Examination,
Result, Grievance Redressal Cell,
Fixation and Approval Dr. Vijay Kumar
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics 8409909224
7. ICT Cell/ Lab, Academic Audit,
Seminar, Dr. Sunil Kumar
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry 6388267969
8. College Library,
College Magazine,
House Keeping Dr. Abha Rani
Assistant Professor
Department of Home Science 9504874851
9. Admission, Placement & Career Counselling Dr. Archana Singh
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science 9555011512
10. Media In-Charge,
Secretary (BUTA Unit),
Sports and Game Development Dr. Chittaranjan Kumar
Assistant Professor
Department of Hindi 9939205909
11. Administrative Audit,
Student Welfare, Boys Common Room, Dr. Jay Prakash
Assistant Professor
Department of History 7979089658
12. Research and Development,
Dr. Kalyani Prasad
Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce 7050232567
13. Girls Common Room,
Media & College Activity Record Keeping Dr. Jyoti Kumari
Assistant Professor
Department of Hindi 9304075554
14. Cultural Affairs & Student Activity Dr. Mamta Kumari
Assistant Professor
Department of Hindi 8709419597